Elk jaar organiseren we XXL evenementen. En de eerste van 2025 vindt plaats in Utrecht op een prachtige locatie! Graag nodigen wij je uit om langs te komen op zaterdag 8 februari in Bibliotheek Neude. Meer dan 20 bordspelontwerpers zullen van 10.00 – 17.00 hun laatste games presenteren.
Alle spelauteurs presenteren een hele of halve dag hun nieuwe spel(len). Binnenkort zullen we op onze website en social media kanalen aangeven welke spellen er kunnen worden getest. En wie weet, misschien ontdekt je je nieuwe favoriete spel 🙂
Om 17.00 uur, na het spelen van alle nieuwe bord- en kaartspellen, volgt er een presentatie en paneldiscussie over de ups & downs van Crowdfunding. Wat zijn de ervaringen van verschillende bordspelauteurs? En hoe kunnen ze elkaar helpen om bordspelprojecten succesvol te maken op Kickstarter of Gamefound?
utrecht Board Game Design XXL 2025
De spellen!

L’Oaf is a card game about collectively baking bread, while trying to let the others do the work. You’re all employees in a bakery, but you’re just here to get paid with as little effort as possible. When it gets to baking bread, you rather let the others do the work.
Each round the players have to collectively bake loafs of bread. They each secretely decides how hard they will work. Their combined efforts decide whether the group makes their target for the day or not.

Goblin Laundromat
In this whimsical card game, adventurers bring their slimy, grimy, and cursed items to be cleaned by your mischievous goblins. Collect valuable treasures while navigating the risks of handling too much dirty laundry. Will you strike it rich, or will you get burned by a cursed relic? Dive into a world of chaotic fun, where a bit of strategy and pushing your luck will determine your success!

In the legendary land of the Medievallons, the beloved monarch has perished, leaving a power vacuum for the throne… Two to five players contend fiercely to be the first to establish three guilds and harness their powers to dominate the capital, claiming victory and the crown!
Players must choose their guilds with great wisdom, for each bears unique powers, leading to a dynamic, strategic, and fast-paced contest lasting about 30 minutes.
Immerse yourself in a casual yet competitive card game and outwit your rivals, will you seize control of the Medievallons?
Do vegans deserve a tax break?
Are we living in a simulation?
Sweaty lovers are better lovers, right?
Would you ever buy a haunted house?
What are your thoughts here? And more importantly; do you think you know your friends’ opinions on these? Mindline challenges you to read the minds of the others at the table, before they express their views. Are you sure you know their takes?
Or could they surprise you with an entirely unexpected response? Whatever happens, you’ll end-up knowing a bit more about the people you surround yourself with!

Green Pioneers
Silent Disco
In Silent Disco you are DJ at a Silent Disco party. Your goals is to create catchy playlists to lure the most listeners. The player with the most listeners and the end of the game wins.

Made In Switzerland
City builder with co-investment.
Alles de Baas

You’ll be improving the world…by taking over the world (area majority / influence game)
Abstract strategisch spel waar je slimme tactieken en sluwe manoeuvres moet gebruiken om je tegenstanders te slim af te zijn.
Verover kleurrijke torens en breng ze in veiligheid. Maar pas op.. een gegarandeerde winst kan zo omslaan in verlies!
Pakûm is een spel voor 2 tot 4 spelers met veel speler interactie en duurt tussen de 20 en 60 minuten. Een innovatief sla / beweeg verander mechanisme zorgt voor een dynamisch spelverloop. Pakûm is makkelijk te leren, maar biedt complexiteit bij meer ervaring. De winnaar is diegene die strategie en opportunisme weet te combineren.

Fruity Forage
Deep in the Amazon rainforest, a tribe of young and hungry squirrel monkeys jump around and compete for delicious fruit high in the treetop canopies.
In this 3D-hexagon grid movement and collection game, you tactically gather and eat fruit that synergizes with your personal goal(s). Become a better jumper, improve your reach, or train your grib strength. It’s up to you. As you grow, you gather wanted fruit more quickly, but be aware you opt for the valuable figs and starfruit in time to snatch the most of the available victory points. If you balance this well, you can become the winner!
Fruity Forage is a family game (10+ and 2-4 players) that takes around 45 minutes.
Farm Jury
Farm Jury is a fun social deduction card game for 2-5 players age 10+. The animals have gathered because of an urgent matter: all the food has gone! Now, who’s to blame? The farmer or his wife? You form a jury of farm animals that will have to decide on their fate. There’s only one problem: all the animals already have their minds made up…

Mythikos is a hybrid eurogame combining bag-building, area control, and resource and card management, where you as a forgotten ruler recruit legendary heroes,, summon fearsome creatures.and complete quests to build your legend in ancient Greece.
L’Âge du Papier

Merger Madness
In Merger Madness two to four players invest in eight companies during the development of an European harbor city in the 1600s. Buy shares, expand companies and merge at the right time to become the most influential investor!
House of Wisdom
House of Wisdom is a competitive strategy game about scientific translation during the Golden Age of Islam. Use your resources to travel across the territory, collect texts and recruit scholars. Use your scholars cards to take actions as translate and study books in the House of Wisdom and advance your scientific knowledge in four different fields of study. Fulfill the Caliph’s demands to earn extra victory points.

Fallen Star: The Emily Hemingway Case
It’s 2009. Emily Hemmingway, a rising star in every sense, was destined to shine—until her light was cut short. Known to millions as EmWay, the young YouTube sensation was found lifeless beside her home, her prestigious award stained with blood and her journey brutally ended.
Now, as the detective on this haunting case, you must sift through the shadows cast by her fame and unravel the truth behind her fall, scouring case files and online archives to uncover what really happened to this young artist.
One thing is certain: even fallen stars leave traces.
Galactic Alpha
Galactic Alpha is a thrilling strategy game where you control a colonization ship, settle planets, and grow your colonies. You’ll need to balance expanding, researching new technologies, and using your faction’s special abilities to outsmart opponents and score points.

Party quiz game for gamers in which you must bet on how many answers you got correct.
Card collecting game with Greek Gods. Use their powers or gain reputation while you fend off other players.

Strategic boardgame like chess or go or checkers, but different and very very interesting!
Money Maker
A push your luck auctioning game about the invention of banking, set in 17th century Amsterdam.

Cast in Concrete
2-4 spelers, 60 minuten, 10+
Er ligt veel terrein braak in de stad. De spelers sturen opzichters door de wijken om materiaal te verzamelen om daarmee 3D gebouwen op te richten. Ze zijn daarbij gebonden aan de stadsplanning. Door assistenten, die de opzichters achterlaten na het bouwen, kunnen ze meeprofiteren van wat andere spelers in die wijk doen. Door bouwen, en door assistenten kunnen de spelers hun vaardigheden op diverse terreinen vergroten.
Door variabele opzet heeft elk spel zijn eigen karakter.
Coaster Creation Clash
A semi co-op game where you and and both of your neighbours work together to build the best set of 2 coasters.

The Blood Crown
During the day, we pay in Gold, but at night, we pay with Blood. Lesser vampires struggle to be the first to claim the Blood Crown. A worker movement game with Sun/Moon locations, using action points, players gather resources and points while buying servants or converting them into vampires. A shop shows Humans to be bought with Gold and vampires to be bought with Blood. The available majority determines the time of day. Will you be the first to rise through the ranks, or will you cower away in your coffin.
Bunny with a Gun
A push-your-luck deck building game, where you have to collect bunnies and carrots, but watch out for the foxes

vorige edities
Amsterdam Board Game Design XXL 2023
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